I'm sure there are worse RPG's out there, I just haven't played them. This game is absolutely awful. I never liked the lunar series and this is no exception. Every element of this game is poorly thought out. The fight system is simple and turn based, with few options to make it interesting. You can even switch to the “auto” mode and the battle is fought for you. I’m not sure why you want to play a game that plays itself. The game is so boring that you’ll need the “auto” mode if you ever hope to finish the game. Movement in the world is ridiculously s…l…o…w. They did include a way to run, but, incomprehensibly it drains your HP. This leaves in the position of choosing whether to use all of your characters’ HP running or to have your DS die from a dead battery while you walk from one place to another in the game. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the flaws in this game. Skip this one.
where do i start at first when i got it i realized it stunk this isnt the game like lunar legend, or golden sun that will let you chose magic or psynergy attacks (even thogh i never would use them in golden sun, i would... Read Full Review
This game is not worth the plastic it is stored on its slow you get a health penalty if you run. the menu system is appaling and you have to confirm everything you the music is the most annoying and worst made yet. on t... Read Full Review