Dont Believe Magazines Ratings Of Lunar.... Its Just Missing Some Minor Options

User Rating: 7.3 | Lunar Genesis DS
Lunar is Great, underrated as a "Great" RPG but yet it is indeed a "Great" RPG... the only frustrating part 2 me is touch screen makes no real new style and the Dual Screen is 50/50 on of how its bad and good. over all lunar is a great RPG if u like basic RPG's with magic,knights and a story line that will eventaully pick up after a short while... lunar is good, many people, one of who is my friend and is a PSP junkie constantly ,mocks the game when honestly the only problem i see is that the characters you play as through out the game randomly pick who they want 2 attack... i hate this idea i'd rathe pick my own enemy to attack but oh well its a good game and 2 many people look on past its good parts and point on one challenge that it doesnt adress and crushes it... probaly why the company wont make a seqaul now. dont alwats believe what your told theres different veiws on alot of different issues PSP Junkies constanlty Ridicule the DS but yet the DS's sucess crushes the PSP in competion. i own both and side with my "GAMING" handheld instead of my "LIMEWIRE 2GO" PDA