Lunar: Dragon Song: I promise it will make your heart break. Not in a good way...
The game takes place 1,000 years before the first game, with your main character Jian. There are the humans and the beast men that you will encounter. All looking strangely...alike...
Game play: For some credit, it IS playable, just not that fun. You could play this game to end if you REALLY wanted to. Not many people do. Because it's on the DS some things are a little bit different. The menu is on bottom, always seeing the action on the top/bottom. Game mechanics to be found are similar to all RPGs. Except for a few things. An example would be: Who thought it was a good idea that if you run for far too long(past 5 seconds) you lose HP? That's not innovative. It's just stupid.
Graphics: As you can see by the rating bar I deemed the graphics the best thing about this game. They are. They share a cute, colorful, bright image. Although not the most detailed, the small character illustrations("cut-scenes") are nicely drawn. You could call this a younger approach for drawing. Nothing too serious. Gentle on the eyes.
Sound: There are a few good pieces of music to be found within Lunar: Dragon Song. The battle music doesn't seem too repetitious, character themes suit them well, and it seems enjoyable to listen too. Don't expect anything high class though.
Value: It is obvious to tell they strayed from the original Lunar formula and tried to be "creative". Allowing themselves to say the game was reformatted. Perhaps for the better. It didn't happen. As a game, mediocre/poor is me being nice. There were a multitude of things that caused it's value to go down.
Example: Battle System: You are only allowed three members in your party and only Jian can cause sufficient damage. If the other characters were up to par with him maybe the battles would not have been so shaky. There are two modes for you to fight in. One you get experience and the other items. Meaning you have to waste even more time fighting instead of the game giving you BOTH like everyone else.
There are many harsh comments in here due to the fact this game can only be called playable. It's story was treated as rushed and shallow. Barely creating interesting characters and overall very frustrating. Unless you are the most devout of Lunar fans AVOID this game like the plague.