BATTLES: Unique movement & multiple attack system with great skills and magic that allow to kill enemies in areas or attack all enemies. The battles are random so you don't have to worry about being chased. Leveling up is also not a problem.
EQUIPMENT: Traditional weapons and armor but unique accessories that can help defend entire battle rounds or attack eight or more times in a round.
STORYLINE: Unique, epic and characterization-filled. You cannot get better on the Sega CD than the Lunar games. Score: 9/10
GRAPHICS: The world map seems to contain the best of colors. The towns contain lots of background scenery such as barrels, signs, posts, and hundreds more (that are all easy to walk around) which makes the towns seem more real.
SOUND: Great voice acting, sound effects, and a musical soundtrack that you won't forget.
VALUE & TILT: Because of your overall experience with this game, there is high replay value.
THE "IGNORING SCORES AND PUTTING IT IN WORDS" SEGMENT: It's very hard to think of what could be said about such a game & such a series. Lunar seems so real because of it's emotion. The gameplay is unique and well-thought out.