Worthy Re-Issue of the Original...

User Rating: 9.5 | Lunar 2: Eternal Blue PS
Being among the players that have passed the original Lunar: Silver Star Story and Lunar: Eternal Blue on the Sega CD, I have to admit I am impressed with this re-issue. While keeping the animation sequences, dialogue (mostly), and story generally to the original, I was blown away with the quality of this game all over again.

While they kept all the voice actors albeit Hiro, (the main character, though the new voice isn't much different) the new Eternal Blue Complete has better sound, video, and overall polish. The original game on the Sega CD was a worthy successor to Silver Star Story, and this does justice to the other re-release, "Silver Star Story Complete".

The story is kept right on track; some dialogue and music changes are noticable if you remember playing the Sega CD version, but other than that they didn't revamp the graphics or sound too much. This keeps the charm of the original, while still improving basics.

I cannot stress how much the music plays an important role in this game-the opening act alone will have you blown away with one of the best theme songs I've ever heard in a game. The score is, simply put, amazing.

Anyone who is into old school RPG's should definately buy this game...if you can find it! They spruce the deal with amazing packaging and peripherals, all that add to the nostalgia.

This game is truely a worthy successor to the original, and holds that still to this day with the re-releases.