Not as good as the orginal, but still a great game.
User Rating: 8.6 | Lunar 2: Eternal Blue PS
I was a huge fan of Lunar SSSC, so I bought this within the first week of it's release. The pack in's were nice again as was the hardbound instruction booklet. Unfortunatley, the bland battle system is pretty much the same as in the first. The music is very nice again, and the graphics still look out-dated, but are good at the same time. The story is not quite as strong as in the first game, but I think that was pretty much expected. It would have been hard for the original developers to create a game as original as the first. Overall I would say that this game is not as good as the origina, but it is still a fun game to play if you don't want a very involved battle system or a long RPG (only took me about 25 hours to beat).