Perhaps the best old-school RPG out there.
Since Lunar is a relatively old game, it was free to run with a complicated story, rather than just display some appealing eye candy as you drag a character through another repetitive task. The fact that Lunar is so different than other games is what really drew me to it. Here you are, in a massive world, with a hole mess of party members, when you realize that you've just embarked on an unforgettable and hilarious adventure that you would be foolish to hope to find in any other game. Lunar's story is touching and it doesn't insult you with the old cliché's and stereotypes. Just when you think it's all over, you always seem to find another important task at hand. When you finally DO finish this game, your left with an indescribable feeling of accomplishment and you finally understand just why everyone loves this 'old-school' game so much.
Lunar's charm washes over you completely from the moment you insert that first disc. It's filled with characters that you just love to interact with. When your away from the battlefield you don't always find yourself worrying about what boss is next, sometimes you just want to talk to the townspeople and see what hilarious thing Ronfar or Ruby or ANY of your party members will say. It's great that there's an rpg out there that's not all 'business', Lunar is just plain FUN!!!
Lunar is a light-hearted, but DEAD serious game, and you can always appreciate what's going on. In one scene you'll be laughing your guts out, then the next second your back to business when something HUGE happens!!! The game is soo exciting, and it's just awesome to play it.
If there is a thing that Lunar lacks, it absolutely makes up with it tenfold with it's laughable dialog, interesting story, and massive amount of extra goodies. Lunar is a game that you'll love forever, and you'll never EVER regret playing it. So, if you haven't already experienced what a true rpg can be, don't waste another precious moment, PLAY LUNAR!!