Lunar 2 has one of the best stories of any RPG, and combined with its atmosphere, makes this a must buy.
Lunar 2 combines a moving story and atmosphere to become a masterpiece.
Story - The story of Lunar 2 takes place 1000 years after the events of Lunar 1, Hiro, the main protagonist, is living with his grandfather when he sees disturbances in a nearby tower, after exploring the tower, Hiro finds Lucia, a woman from what is essentially the moon (or the "blue star" as its called in game). she has come to stop an evil god called Zophar from taking over the world and Hiro decides to join her in her quest. on this adventure they meet various characters, such as Ronfar, Jean and Lemina, all of which make the story, that much better, through the story, the personalities of various characters change as the story progresses, especially Lucia, who actually starts develop more human emotions. The story of Lunar 2 is awesome and helps immerse the player in the game.
Gameplay - Lunar 2 has the standard RPG gameplay of the time. Turn based battles,going from town to town, buying and selling weapons and items. Lunar 2 doesnt do anything revolutionary with the gameplay, though it does present what is there in a very well done way.
Graphics and Sound - The Graphics of Lunar 2 are probably its biggest weakness, while RPGs are never known for their visuals, Lunar 2 looks very dated even at the time of release, while the anime style cutscenes do look very good, the ingame graphics look more like an RPG one would find on a Super Nintendo or Mega Drive, though in all honesty, this game should not be played for its graphics. the sound on the other hand, is great, the soundtrack is very memorable and conveys emotions better then flashy graphics.
PS1 Extras - The PS1 version of Lunar 2 actually contains a few neat extras that really helps the game feel extra special. The instruction manual is unique in that its actually a hardcover manual, over 100 pages thick and in full colour, and is filled with artwork and interviews, and its really nice to see so much detail put into a manual. Also a Soundtrack CD is included, and while most games make you buy that seperatly , Lunar 2 gives you it with the game. They even included a "making of" cd giving you interviews with the developers and such.
finally there is an omake box containing character standees which are cool, a paper map of the game world(in full colour of course) as well as a replica of the medallion worn by Lucia, and its really cool to have, as it makes the game that much more special, and truly does the game justice.
In conclusion, Lunar 2 : Eternal Blue is a great RPG which, despite its visuals, is still one of the best RPGs available on any system due to its atmosphere and great story.
this game isnt very cheap however, the US PS1 version, can easily cost 70-100 US$, especially for the coveted special edition. the Japanese PS1 and Saturn versions are much cheaper, but are in Japanese, and a knowledge of Japanese or a translation script would be needed.