Look this up if you like oldschool rpgs.
User Rating: 9.1 | Lunar 2: Eternal Blue PS
I never played the original version but Lunar 2 is one of my favorite rpgs for the PS. It isn't for those who aren't into oldschool rpgs but if you are, this game is a must. I thought the presentation was good, while the graphics aren't very detailed, they do have their own charm, and the animated cutscenes look great. The visuals have had improvements but this could have easily been on the SNES aside from the cutscenes. Also the music is good and most of the voice acting is decent, although some of it is pretty annoying. Where this game excels is in it's story and characters. The story while good isn't completely original, but the characters are easy to get attached too. The battle system is turn based and the position of your characters and enemies can be important, so while it does feel oldschool there is some strategy. One thing aside from the visuals that newer gamers probably won't care for is there isn't much customization for your characters. They each have their own set of moves to learn and you really have no control over their progress besides the equipment they carry. While this didn't bother me, I thought it was worth mentioning. Also the difficulty of game may set some players off. I liked the challenge but some of the bosses can get pretty difficult and you'll have to spend time leveling up before you face it again. The game isn't terribly long, about 25-45 hours depending on how much time you spend leveling up and if you do the side quests at the end. One thing great about this game is the Epilogue which starts after you beat the game. It adds a few hours of gameplay and you get to find out what happened to everyone so I thought it was great addition. This game isn't for everyone but as for me, it was one of favorites.