one of the best rpgs for psx. A powerful story that will move you. wonderful battle system. very rare and memorable.

User Rating: 9.2 | Lunar 2: Eternal Blue PS
This is my first real rpg and it is my favorite of all. This series is often overlooked and misjudged but it is IMO one of the best. it rivals FFVII but comes short in the graphics department while substituting with wonderful FMV sequences, music, gameplay, an outstanding story, humor, great characters, and the funniest NPCs ever. Lunar is a world that captures that little kid in you that thougt santa was real. It mixes Inocence with reality in a unique fashion that is hard to turn away (unless you have no soul) from. It is extremely hard to find (get it on ebay) but will not dissapoint.
Enemies are actualy challenging and the game will make you have to think. The plot has some twists that are ovbious to see, but others will be the oposite.

Basicly the story goes like this:
Hiro (a young adventurer) finds an amzing (and beautiful) young woman at the to top of a mystic tower. She has had no contact with humans ever and says she is on a mission to save the word from Zophar (the devil). To do so, she needs to speak to the goddess who Althena who lives in the holy city. The girl is so powerful she makes Hiro look like a zero, but as they leave the tower Zophar takes all of it away and puts a torturous death curse on her (no more hits for 9,999 damage). Hiro needs to get her to a priest pronto or the world is doomed, and everyone will become monsters and kill eachother......