Lunar Knights is a spinoff of the series called Boktai for the Gameboy Advance. This game starts out on a planet covered by night and darkness through the paraSOL. Eventually you gain control of a character named Lucian who is a Dark Swordsman after a twin horned vampire. The world is ruled by vampires and it's Lucian's job to find a certain vampire for his own reasons. The game progresses and Lucian will not become the only main character that you will control throughout the game. Eventually you control a gunslinger noobie called Aaron and his path crosses with Lucian and together they are on the journey to kill vampires and gain complete control of the paraSOL. The story is very linear but it still remains to have a solid story. The gameplay is standard to just move around kill then move around more. The items rotting, which is very tedious, has returned to the game from Boktai 2. This becomes extremely annoying as you find items you don't need to use now becomes useful later, but it's rotted! As you journey through areas there are many fight sequences. Every battle is real time combat so you don't engage in a battle mode like a standard rpg would. Unlike Boktai, however, this game doesn't require much sneaking around and has more of the action than it ever did in Boktai. This becomes both a downside and a good thing due to the fact that the sneaking part of the game which was quite innovative is now removed but more fighthing is occured throughout the game. The fighting becomes more intense as you begin to journey more through the game and gets really difficult. It should also be noted that the fighting can get very annoying as enemies revive after you rezone. An interesting feature that was implemented into this game that Boktai didn't have was a fusion with terrenial, which are these magical sprites that control an elemental power. When you fuse with these terrenials or use their power you have the power to cause major damage to a boss or just anihilate the enemy in the area. After each boss is defeated a mini game type of the game starts. It's called the Casket Rocket and it's similar to Galaga rather it's more in 3-D. The Casket Rocket is very cool and keeps you away from the main game's troubles but the feeling is weird as you have to move the ship with the stylus and shoot with this stylus. The sound contains the same musical feeling as Boktai did so it still retains a good solid mix of the game. There is much replay value into the game because there's so much extra stuff to be gained after the game is finished and is started all over again. There are 2 more difficulty levels and they are indeed very tough. The replay value is well worth the game at full price as well as the multiplayer portion of this game. The multiplayer is like the fighting portion of lunar knights rather with the main characters. The multiplayer is actually quite structured well as 4 players compete to beat the crap out of each other. The fight becomes obselete because there isn't a variety of characters to play with but it still remains enjoyable. Overall this game is very good and shows a good representation of what action packed DS games might come in the near future.
Remember Boktai on the GBA? That was one fine title, but the solar sensor weighed it down, meaning in order to get the most out of it you needed to get sunlight. Well, Lunar Knights, the latest game in the series, has th... Read Full Review
Lunar Knights is a sort of sci-fi gothic action-RPG. Fans of Boktai will easily get into this game as this is a spiritual successor to Boktai, but newcomers won't have much trouble getting into this game. To make things ... Read Full Review