The best remake of a 16-Bit JRPG classic.A charming and likable JRPG in many ways.
The story starts off in epic fashion,the Goddess named Athena has been kidnapped and a villain named Eiphel has stolen her powers and has become extremely powerful.A group of characters that include a legendary Dragonmaster named Dyne(dragonmasters are people who serve the godess and protect the world using the power of dragons)fight against Eiphel and after a series of events,you'll meet the main character named Alex who worships Dyne and wants to be a great dragonmaster too.
Alex has a childhood friend whom he has feelings for named Luna goes with Alex on a journey to see if he can become a dragonmaster,which means he will need to seek out certain dragons.But as you guessed,the story becomes much more than this as after a bunch of diverse and likable characters join them on their journey they'll discover big secrets about the world and the past and and some of the revelations are quite shocking and creative and it will be a journey of self-discovery for some of the characters and they'll discover threats to their world and they'll need to put an end to those threats.
The world has an interesting backstory,I won't spoil it to you though but it relates strongly to the main story and it's characters.
The story isn't that deep but it's enjoyable because the characters are likable and have personality,I found myself liking the characters that I don't like because even though they might be arrogant it's quite humorous too,also the story has romance and the fact it has a lot of humor and sexual humor(some of the sexual humor in the game made me LoL) and goofy moments and delicately told philosophies and nice anime story scenes make the story even more enjoyable.
Much of the story drive is supposed to come from the the building up of romance in the game's story and the love story has a more mature feel but to be honest even though I love romance in a story,the love story for this game wasn't memorable for me,but it had enough emotional impact to make me care about it.
The story for the game and it's characters aren't as memorable as many other JRPGs I've played but the story/characters are still enjoyable from start to finish and have emotional and heartwarming moments.
As for the gameplay,it's much like any other turn-based JRPG you've played.There is differences between the PSP's version and the older versions of this game,for example the enemy difficulty level of the PSP version is much less than in the original version and the PSP has super attacks which allow characters to perform powerful attacks after the super attack bar is filled and it gets filled as the character performs attacks or takes damage,unlike the original version of this game which doesn't.Also the PSP version of this game doesn't have random battles which is a feature I like,shorter dungeons and allows you to save anywhere.Some people don't like the lack of difficulty in the PSP version but if you want to make it difficult you can simply not level grind and not use strong weapons and armor.
Just like in traditional style JRPGs you'll travel to towns and will need to talk to NPC's to make the story progress,which is something that I love but is missing in many modern JRPGs.
The game has some beautiful music,and Luna sings beautiful songs at times.
I love the artstyle for this game,the visuals have the style of a 16-Bit JRPG but with 7th gen quality color quality and polish and yeah the visuals are quite colorful and charming indeed.When you go inside buildings you'll see everyday items and detail.
The anime scenes are stunning from an artistic perspective and it makes the characters feel more alive.
Overall,Lunar Silver Star Harmony is a wonderful experience and whilst it isn't a memorable experience I enjoyed it from start to finish(35+ hours worth).