Great Game.
Despite the fact that the graphics may be mocked as primitive by those unappreciative of 2D spritedom, they are still bright and colorful and quite beautiful to look at (and quite a bit easier to navigate than most 3D RPG's). The game is also filled with beautiful Anime style cutscenes, complete with voice acting and all the visual frills of a high-end Anime. The characters are unique and lovable and by the end you feel as if you'd truly known them all personally and won't want part with them when the time comes. As far as plot goes, Lunar is masterfully written and has the feel of an eppic fantasy/sci-fi novel at some times, and a truly great Anime or Manga at others. The plot is deeply involving and you will be surprised, shocked, and moved to tears and laughter multiple times throughout the game.
As far as the battle system is concerned, it solid, turn-based, and easy to grasp even fo the most easily confused player. Spells and special attacks are represented as colorful icons in the menu screen instead of meerly being presented as plain text in a crowded scroll-down menu, making finding the move you're looking for several times more convenient. There is no real-time, enemies-hitting-you-while-you-try-to-figure-out-how-to-hit-them delema either so you are free to strategize or stretch between rounds of combat.
All in all, Lunar is a perfect game for the RPG lover, nostalgia freak, or casual gamer. The only thing that can turn a person away is the rarity of the game itself, but it's still well worth the trouble