God like RPG For awhile

User Rating: 8.7 | Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete PS
Gameplay: Seriously great. Just so innovative and original. You have your field and you have your enemies. Your characters and enemies move around the field and initiate an attack. There are 6 commands. Attack, which is obviously a regular blow. Depending on your weapon and distance depends on damage and chance of attacking. If your too far your character will still move up to the enemy as far as they can but might not attack because of the disance. If your character is equipped with a weapon of long range distance, like a Bow, then they stay where they currently are and attack. Then there is the "Magic" command. It is bassically a command to use one of the characters special skills. Like Alex is like a swordsman in the game, so he has sword tech based skills. Next is the defend command. Bassically this let's you freely move your character to a distance and defend themself. Then there's the AI command that lets the characters attack and use commands automatically and if you don't like what they're doing hit the Triangle button and your back to your command menu. Second to last is the Item command. This is an obvious sum up for it. You use items in your selected characters invetory. Then there is the final command that is like a flee button. The Run command. Almost every RPG has it. This sums up all of the basic detail of the great and kick ass gameplay this game has to offer. The gameplay may be astounding but there is one problem. It's repetetive as hell can get. The gameplay is god like but all of the leveling and same moves over and over most of the time just tones the score down.

Graphics: Out-dated. They could have atleast made this game some 3D objects. Seriously, Game Arts. Why not make this whole game 3Dimensional?? The anime scenes were beatiful aswell which is why I give this a 6. If not for those gorgeous cut scenes this could've gone to a 5...

Sound: Ah my ears. The music is decent. There are just some pieces that are so horrible. Like the sewer music. That was crap all the way. The start menu music was really good though. And the game presentation (When Luna sings) was pretty decent aswell. The battle music good too. The boss theme is kick ass because of it's fun sound. It sounds like your flying through some sky that's turning into some hell zone and you have a time limit if defeating a boss. That's what it sounds like. All fore shadowed. This is where Im stuck. Should this game get a 7 for music or an 8?? The world may never know...

Value: This is a great RPG. Play it. It's worth your time. Play it. Just play it. Play it. But little problems like a major issue of repetetiveness may cause you to hate the game. It's good though ^_^

Tilt: The tilt is high because this is seriously one of the best RPGs I have played and it deserves a Superb rating. Just minor issues like graphics that tore it down..