Quite possibly the greatest game ever made...
Graphics: 8.5/10
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete features basic 2D sprite graphics, but they fit very well and the scope of the game is captured. There are also beautifully drawn cutscenes depicting anything from character introductions to mass destruction. Some website reviews will sit there and pay attention to nothing but the graphics... And say "Well, Lunar doesn't have 3D! It must be an absolutely terrible game..."
Have they even paid attention to the intricate storyline, the beautiful FMV scenes, and of course the amazing love story going on? Nope, not a chance. Sure; the graphics aren't great... But they're not going to burn your eyes either. On the contrary, I found them to be quite pleasing to the eyes.
Sound/Music/Audio: 9.5/10
The musical scores in this game fit perfectly with the moods and situations they put them in. The sole reason I can't give this a 10 is because of the La-la-la-la-la! That Luna/Jessica does before EVERY SINGLE SPELL. It does get somewhat annoying, but the rest of the audio in this game is so well done you won't care much.
Gameplay: 10/10
They say Chrono Trigger was the first game that introduced enemies you could see? I counter that with the truth - which is that Lunar was first. It is the first game I can think of that actually factored in character movement in an RPG as Lunar did. You could actually surround enemies with your entire party if you moved smart and quickly enough. I found the combat to be traditional but spiced up in a way I never saw before. At first you might find the combat system hard; but that's because it's different from the norm. Once you get used to it you will be able to fight quite proficiently. You might want to grind a little bit before advancing each time, but it's not the amount that you have to do on other games in order to advance. You could get by with just grinding for about five to ten minutes before advancing to the next area and part of the story and you'll be good to go throughout the game. The game is focused on getting you as involved with the story as humanly possible, which brings us to our next category.
Story/Character Development: The highest number possible, times infinity out of ten
This game's storyline is a reminder of what made traditional 'save the princess' storylines... Traditional and popular! Trying to do this without spoilers here, but the game gets you so immersed with your characters it's ridicules. You laugh with them, you cry with them, you feel what they are feeling, and the mood of the moment stays with you playing the game. That is powerful, right there.
A way to put the character development into perspective without any spoilers would be thus: Final Fantasy VII had great character development, right?
Times that by a hundred.
That's the closest I can come to the absolutely astounding character development in Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. Another way to put it into perspective is thus:
I'm a lifelong roleplayer, and have DM'd Dungeons and Dragons and the like for a while with great success; and all the time tried to create a story that was a fraction as good and immersive and masterfully done as Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. I do not believe I have never made a campaign that good to date.
In my opinion, there has been no RPG that has come close to L:SSSC in this category before or since.
There is no way to explain the brilliance of the storyline that I can think of without giving away spoilers as examples, so I'll just stop right there.
Re-play value: 7.5/10
This game has quite a few unlockables and you WILL notice things on your second and third playthroughs that you did not notice in your first playthrough so it IS a treat.
Overall: 10/10