A good game Though with shortness and easyness it pushes thoughs obsticals away for solid gameness. And I make no sence.

User Rating: 8 | Lunar Legend GBA
The classic Lunar series has returned bringing its good friend called good game along for the ride. Even though I make no sence the characters grow on you and you like them the persanalty is a big part of this franchise though they have to have the love story throw in there somewhere. You play as a boy named Alex who wants to be a dragon master. Sounds like a genaric storyline but twists and turns abound. The gameplay is not bad but c'mon the little furry revives you and it just seems unfair like you have god on your side. The sounds is where the game lags alittle as you get tired of them for awhile and think that the volume control is your best friend. The grafics are good even for GBA standards. The virant color pallet and character design is good and the high makr of this also. The characters have persanalaties and they change overtime exepcialy Nash once a bossy like person to a softie. Speaaking of softies theres Nall or the furry as I call him as he revives EVERYONE ONCE THEY DIE! The last boss actually has less hp than... Oh forget it anyway back to umm..... I guess i'll get to the gameplay again. The game is short as you can blast though it for its light difficulty though everytime a talking scene apperes you just wanna see it all cus eventualy you giggle every once in awhile with its charming deminer. Though like I said that will end shortly though the story at first seems generic after a whiole it gets better and better. So if your running out of games for your little handheld then pick up Lunar Legend as it is a legend,or it will be.....