M.U.G.E.N. the game that allow you to make a fighting game.

User Rating: 9 | M.U.G.E.N PC
So I got M.U.G.E.N. because I was interested in making a game. Mugen (without the periods, because I am lazy) did not disappiont me when I downloaded it, because, with in an hour, I was brawling it out as Sailor Moon, Chuck Norris, Ray (from Ghost Busters), and Wolverine.

To get started I would suggest watching tutorials on youtube, Otherwise you will be sitting there for 3-4 hours trying to figure out how this works. The best thing about it is that after you learn how it is so simple ot use.

You can also add almost any character from anything ever made including, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Resident Evil, Pokemon, Lucky Star, and Pani Poni Dash.
Although I am yet to find a Silent Hill character pack so that I can fight as Pyramid Head.

You can also add a number of stages, I've got Black Mesa, Raccoon City, Spear Pillar, The Nega Verse (Sailor Moon), and The Black Bird.

And you can add any music you happen to have to the game, specific to stages or the opening screen.