It is like real life it all depends who you know and who you work for...
you dont want to read and i dont want to talk so il make this quick.
mounts a virtually required, lots of people have them just spend $10 its definatly worth it if you keep on playing the game.
by now you no longer need service to get main stream quests that matter i.e: G1, paladin, G3
the fighting style reminds me personally of legend of zelda: OoT but alot more diverse in the skills you can use
you do have to keep on repairing weapons but if you take the time to bless them you wont have to do it for a long while.and you can jsut buy the same weapon if you really dont want to repair them
How far you go depends on weather you know a strong player,My sister played thats not to say i didn't work hard at making my char better, but I did receive more help through dungeons for a while.
It all depends on who you work for, In the game there are 3 types of people people who make goods, people who make final products and people who get money some other way. I make ingots, which make Armour and swords, I sell those to a guy named Kyoma for a profit and a quite decent amount too. he makes Armour which is a final product and sells that to people at an extremely high price (because he is a rank 1 [highest rank] blacksmith) that said people buy his stuff so im still in bussiness.
there are plenty of ways to make moeny in this game, i mine; why? because its fun and i make a reasonalbe amount off it. where do i plan t go after this? black-smithing, why beacuse i can make my own ingots and armour and all that stuff for cheap.
If you want the most out of this game use mabinogi wiki and the starter guide, then choose something you might want to do and go for it.
Money is important but not everything, you need money to go and provide for your self, but other than that its who you meet and what you want to keep on doing in the game.
when you turn lvl 50 join a guild that you think is worth while otherwise you go no where.
After this im making a blog about all the things you can do in this game to help you, not a guide but pointers.