The most unique MMORPG you will ever play but also the worst you will ever play....
From all these positive point and uniqueness of this game there is always bad part of it. There is always hacking spree every half a year or so, and the customer support is terrible, if you lose an item from hackers or crash you could say good bye to it for good. Nexon customer support is unbelievably terrible, also their servers are unstable, Channel crash within a sever happens often, and you may lose items if the channel crash. if you lose the item Nexon will only blame your computer or your connections, instead of looking at the actual problem. Also there are lag spikes often when people starting to log on, the lag spike may also cause the channel crash. This game also heavily run on actual cash, is free to play but you have to pay to have fun. The road between towns are extremely long and it may take more than 5 minutes to go from one town to another some quest may need you spend hours by walking around if you do not have pets, so you must buy pets to transport you. Monster may despawn during a dungeon run or a mission, which makes it annoying to finish quest or mission. Another bad part of Mabinogi is gachapon
is basically you buy a box and give you a random prize is basically gambling, and most of the time you will get items that is common in game, or potions, the rate of getting a rare items in gachapon is less than 3% if I have to say, so the other 97% of the time you will get potion or useless in game items which you can get from NPC. This review is came from experience of this game, if you are willing to live with item lost from hacking marathon every half a year or less, channel crashing, unstable server, errors, and often down time for maintenance, and poor customer support, also heavily base on using actual money. Other than those cons this game is a fun and unique game.