This is not worth your Time, not even a minute.
You create a lame looking character, then happily enter the world. Then after a cutscene, and that woman popping in, you are off!
First thing you see right away is Gold Spammers. Always spamming Gold messages. Then you got little pricks everywhere.
But that is not the worst part. That is just a taste.
Quests are extremely boring, and the game lacks depth. Getting wool from sheep? How is that a valuable life skill? I learned more life skills from World of Warcraft than from this game.
Then you have all these mindless things to attend to. And once you finish them, you anticipate the dungeons, expecting something fabulous.
Dungeons are terrible looking, looking more like a sterile mansion than anything else. Mobs are not very intimidating, and rewards aren't very satisfying. More or less, dungeons are just regular places with slightly oversized mobs.
So, all in all, if you see the download for Mabinogi, just don't, and instead, just go play soccer in the park or something, because that is far more entertaining than this third rate game.