For a free MMORPG. the graphics are great, music is awesome, gameplay is amazing.. Overall, this game is a must-get.

User Rating: 9 | Mabinogi PC
I've been searching for a good quality MMORPG for some time now. You have Runescape, which has terrible graphics/music, and you have Free Realms, where's you basically have to pay to actually have real fun, but Mabinogi was way different from the rest. You don't have to pay just too actually have fun in-game. Everything is free for you to use, if you paid for anything, it would be to own a pet, different clothing, etc. The music Mabinogi has to offer is outstanding, and makes you wanting to keep listening to it over, and over again. In fact, the music was so good; I even downloaded a whole OST of theirs. The game play is also great; however it's never-ending, basically. If you like to play a game that doesn't technically end, then you might want to re-consider this. I, myself, like being a perfectionist in all games I play, and to see a game that doesn't end... It's odd, to say the least.

So you start out like all characters in a MMORPG... As a level one'er, easy starter quests, and you get a temporary sword that you keep until you reach a certain level. The controls are pretty odd at first, but they get easy once you practice after awhile. To move around, it's more point-and-click, but there's a lot of keyboard shortcuts to do various options, like opening up your quest info, inventory, etc.

Another thing that's different about this game is that it doesn't make combat/fighting its main source of fun and/or entertainment. However, if you're into fighting and combating, this MMORPG does have a PvP option, (player-vs-player), and you want to know that fighting is a lot more different than it is in Runescape or etc. Instead of automatically getting a hit on your opponent, (not really learning any fighting styles), you actually have to master certain combat moves, and apply them during your fight. (If you just attack, and think your player is going to automatically attack from there, think again!)

Asides from fighting, there's other stuff for you to do in the meantime. You can work, get a part-time job somewhere, and earn gold. Of course, everyone will get a part-time job, but you'll be able to choose where you'd like to work at. You can also be whoever you want to be. If you want to be a warrior, you can be one. If you want to be a music player, you can be. If you want to be a wizard, or anything, you can. The possibilities are endless in this game, that you can be certain of.

Another little fun fact about the game is that you can actually get married to someone. Odd? Maybe, but it's pretty neat. Of course, it takes a lot of gold to get married to another player on there, but it gives you a neat title to have above your character, saying "Husband/Wife of [player]"

So, to sum all of this in a nutshell, if you aren't into the kind of MMORPG's like Runescape, if you don't like combat/fighting being the main attraction of any game, or just looking for a game that you can have fun on, without it being too "kid friendly," then this game is the one for you.

It takes a pretty powerful CPU to load this game, please refer to Mabinogi's official site for specifics, but I was able to make this game work perfectly on my Dell Inspiron, so tinker with it some, if you're interested.