City of Heroes 2 trademark filed
NCsoft makes filing with US Patent & Trademark Office to lock down naming rights for sequel to superhero MMORPG.
NCsoft makes filing with US Patent & Trademark Office to lock down naming rights for sequel to superhero MMORPG.
Being a brief list of news and updates in the world of online games for January 26, 2010.
Activision's second band-centric Guitar Hero comes down under.
Korean MMOG purveyor now offering City of Heroes, Guild Wars, and Lineage installments through Valve's online distribution platform.
NCsoft's Northern California developer takes new name from the virtual world in which it works, Paragon City.
POSTED 02-27-09 Earlier this week, we had an opportunity to try out the upcoming "architect" content in also-upcoming "Issue 14" update for City of Heroes, the original superhero massively multiplayer ...
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