Great 8 dollar game. Solid single player and amazing multilayer.

User Rating: 10 | Madballs in Babo: Invasion PC
The game released on September 18, 2009 which is months after the 360 version but the price is right. If you buy this on Steam, the price was market down from 9.99 to 7.99. That is a great start for a indie game.

If you could image fusing the NES game Marble madness with a chaotic shooter such as Team Fortress 2 then it would come out as Madball. There are 2 factions each with 5-6 characters. Each character has 2 unique specials ranging from assist such as healing to a assault special such as bombs etc. Besides the characters, there are a nice array of weapons at your disposal. Shotguns, duel barrel machine guns, mortars, lasers, etc etc are all included with each weapon having a primary and secondary function. For instance, the laser beam gun has a secondary fire that shoots 5-6 missiles. These weapons also follow a 4 primary powers. A rock paper scissor approach is made where your attack might take less or more depending if the person you are fighting is immune to one of these powers.

The graphics hold up quit well from 360 to PC. Bomb plumes and splatter look really nice. If you on a decent machine you should be able to play with every option turned on max without having any lag.

The multiplayer has all the classics. Capture the flag, team deathwatch, Destroy the base, and Free for all are all here. A extra option is the invasion mode. This mode allows all players to choose a a particular square piece of map and place it where they will like. After all pieces are placed, a team vote ensues where they pick where to place there flag. Its a really nice touch to the game

This is one of the best indie games I've played. You get alot of gameplay and value for only spending 8 dollars.

If you would like to see some gameplay action then check out this youtube video