A good game for achievements and football fans.
Now, Madden games are usually decent, so it's still an okay game. The game play is good enough, the graphics are nice. However, there are some key things missing. For one thing, YOU CAN'T CHALLENGE PLAYS!!! There have been a multitude of times that I saw what could have been a bad call, then pause it going to challenge a play, but realize I can't. But wait, there's more. The only modes are franchise, quick play, and online. So therefore, after you play through franchise (franchise ends after 30 years), there really isn't anything you can do. The lack of modes and the ability to challenge plays really brings this game down.
This game does, however, have extremely easy achievements. You can get all 1000 points in a few days, maybe less if you play constantly. So if you're an achievement junkie, this is a great game to have. Also, since the game is so old at this point, you can get it used for $3 at GameStop. A pretty good bargain as well.
All-in-all, this is not a really good game. It's worth a rent for most people (if you could care less about football STAY AWAY), for football fans and achievement junkies, it's a buy.