Basically, it's Madden 04 with a few new features.

User Rating: 5.5 | Madden NFL 06 XBOX
First of all, I'm a die hard Madden fan. I've played the game as long as it's been around, and that's a long time. I enjoy console football probably more than any other type of console game. That being said, this is the sadest iteration of the Madden franchise to date.

First of all, from a graphics and sound standpoint, it's the same as 04. Barely any new animations and the overall look is pretty much the same. I can live with that, since it is a good looking game. The graphics are clean and well done, but a few more new animations would have been nice. The sound, well, PLEASE EA, get some new commentary! It's just the same thing rehashed and overused. I know it's Madden's name on the game, but somebody write him so new and interesting dialog.

As for the gameplay, well, personally I'm a bit frustrated with this year's controls. And before I go any further, I will say that there is an option to use last year's controls. However, can someone explain to me why EA would release two football titles this year with completely different controls? I mean, I just got done playing my college career in NCAA and I have to learn all new controls in Madden!?!? That makes no sense. Also, why is it that I can't use a custom playbook in franchise mode? I never had a problem with that before. But it's not available in 2006. Makes no sense.

Now, the new features:
QB Vision - overall, a cool feature, but it can be pretty frustrating. It really depends on your skill level, your QB and your dexterity. It takes a little bit to get used to moving two thumsticks at the same time. If you're not a hardcore Madden player, you may have some problems with it. But, it is a nice added challenge and can be fun. Plus, the new precision passing is very cool. That can be helpful and was, in my opinion, the only real beneficial new feature this year.

Superstar mode - what a waste! The scenarios and off the field stuff do nothing to improve the game. Unlike the NCAA Race for the Heisman mode, Superstar Mode feels very impersonal and over complicated. In NCAA, you feel like the Heisman mode is all about you. It's fun to see what the papers say about you, whether you're in the Heisman race, and where you rank. With Superstar mode, it feels more like you're looking in on a player rather than you being the focus. Besides that, after spending time going through a full college career in NCAA, I would expect a two-time Heisman trophy winner to get drafted above the late second round and actually have some abilities as a pro. Instead, my player ended up coming in as the slowest back on a team with plenty of better options at the position. Just not a well executed game mode and a real dissapointment.

Overall, this just isn't much of an improvement over Madden 2005. To be honest, I'm not even playing it now. I'd rather play NCAA or last year's Madden than be frustrated with this version. I hope the excuse from EA is that the next gen version has been the focus of their attention. At least it better be. Note to EA: You've go the exclusive license on the NFL now, make Madden worthy of that!