This isn't Madden, it's like "Madden Lite". Where are all the features we've come to know and love?

User Rating: 4.5 | Madden NFL 06 X360
I'll say this, now that EA has the exclusive license with the NFL, the expectations are huge and so far they're falling way short in my book.

OK, so the graphics are great. Not just great, fantastic. I've never seen such detail before. The expressions, the motions, the subtle lighting and shadow effects; all of them are fantastic. But, let's go beyond the look for a minute.

Where's the play by play? Sure, there's some radio announcer at the game giving you some play by play details, but, not nearly what you'd expect. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of the big guy himself doing the commentary, but to go from Michaels and Madden's annoying inappropriate comments to practically nothing at all was a shock and a disappointment.

Where are all the other features? No challenge flag? No roster edits? No custom players or teams? No superstar mode (not that I liked it anyway)? No custom playbooks? No alternate uniforms? I mean, holy cow, what is this? Madden for your PDA?

This has to be the single most disappointment with the Xbox360 and the worst incarnation of Madden I've ever seen. Please, EA, say it was just a fluke!