Impressive Madden fails to take the cake, with basic flaws leading the way.

User Rating: 7 | Madden NFL 06 PS2
A simple problem in a game that involves massive repetition can be fatal. In Madden 2006, don't expect to be able to return a punt - thanks to a disastrous glitch, when you go to return a kick, the blockers do not block, leading to a lot of fair catches and a few players just trying to block every kick. This can be rather annoying for any player who prides him or herself on special teams play, and removes any chance of that game-changing punt-return for a touchdown.

Thankfully, the game isn't full of these frustrating details. The QB-cone of vision is a brillaint system that, while taking time to master, adds a necessary level of realism. Simple changes to blocking and tackling also lead to improvements in the run game. However, when compared to EA's College Football 06, Madden 2006 is simply not a clean game. There are too many simple problems to fault the makers and frustrate the players.

In all, it's a Madden game - new rosters, enjoyable gameplay. But I hope that 2007 brings a much improved game with fixes to the glitches.