Very fun and a great improvment from Madden '05.

User Rating: 8.6 | Madden NFL 06 PS2
Well, well, well, another year another sports shelf to put up. I was craving a football game a few weeks ago, (mainly for my PS2), so i went out and grabbed this game during a boxing day sale at a local future shop. i barely made it out alive but it was worth it. It was so frustrating at first, but now i understand it alot better. The new QB feature was pretty cool, but the standard was fun too. The all new career mode thingy or whatever it's called is very cool. It's kind of like Franchise mode from past EA Sports games but more realistic. For 60 bucks Canadian, it was alot, but i had a gift card from x-mas still so i was in the clear. It wasnt quite worth 60 bucks but maybe a fifty for this game. The graphics are still the same from last years Madden, and the soundrack is pretty good as usual. It is still very very good and well thought out. Its awesome about changing how long you want your quarters to be, and take off as many rules as you want. **** amazing.