Maybe my expectations were too high

User Rating: 4.3 | Madden NFL 07 X360
I'm thoroughly unimpressed with this new version of Madden. I was expecting a huge upgrade over last years 360 edition, and EA didn't deliver. There are some improvements but not enough to bring the game up to snuff. I guess that's what happens when there is no competiton. Free market be damned! One thing off the top of my head is I couldn't edit players. I like to change their helmets and some times their positions (OLB to MLB for example). Another problem was the NFL draft. Is there something I missed or did I have to sit there for several minutes waiting to finish the draft? I had the speed set to max in the draft and it was still way too slow. Yet another annoying thing I noticed is that they play the same 2 or three animations before a play on offense and defense. I'm very disappointed with my purchase. $60 bucks is way too much for this retread. I wouldn't buy this unless you're serious about playing online. Otherwise get the regular xbox version or just spend your money on a better game. Unfortunately there isn't a better NFL game because of the Madden Monopoly. Oh yeah, the music is mostly annoying too, as usual.