While Madden continues to make incremental improvements while neglecting other areas, it occurs to me that having another NFL licensed game around would push EA to make bigger improvements and to address certain missing elements. The gameplay itself -- the most important ingredient -- is fundamentally good -- but there are just a lot of details that are lacking in this game. I've always preferred Madden's game but I have to say the 2K game did some things right that Madden still doesn't bother trying. Ironically, these are mostly presentation issues which EA is usually better at accomplishing than its competitors. For example, wth is with the commentary in this game? It's so dull and sounds like AM radio. Then every once in a while the radio guy speaks to you directly, giving you advice. This doesn't make sense. They need to get a couple of booth commentators -- even generic ones- - 2K5's commentary was leaps and bounds better than this -- and that's a relatively old game by now. Another thing that is missing is half-time shows. It's the NFL! Where are the replays of highlights, cheerleaders, statistical summaries and so on? This just needs to be there to add to the feel of the NFL game. Just pausing at Halftime is really -- REALLY lame.
Need I mention the line-ups of players always standing still looking at the camera between plays? Shouldn't they maybe be talking, or at least moving around a little? Have you ever seen players do this in a real game? They're like statues posing for us. Just because the graphics are nice doesn't mean I can just be hypnotized to stare at these statues after every freakin' play.
Overall, the game plays well enough -- it just doesn't have that flair and sense of a total package that such a high budget -- and high revenue -- game should have. Competition from another developer would force EA to make a better overall effort.
By daring_sharp | Review Date: Aug 22, 2006 | X360
Madden 07 once again disappoints with a mediocre product which will be a retail success because it is the only game with the NFL license. There is absolutely no excuse for a gaming giant like EA to release such a "celeb... Read Full Review
I admit...I was biased against ESPN 2k5. I didn't want to play it...I was a Madden fan...ALL THE WAY!!! But, it had a good reviews. I put my Madden down...and MADE myself get good at it. I belly-ached...and groaned. ... Read Full Review