Had its great moments, but really lacks in some places.

User Rating: 7 | Madden NFL 07 X360
When I got the game a day after realease, and saw all the bad reviews people were giving them and i was appalled. After i played the game though, i come to realize that they were right. This game is really shining when it comes to gameplay and graphics i believe, but there are many parts that need improvement.

My first game i played i had won the game 104-14. My friend i was playing it with was blown away on how bad i beaten him and was ashamed haha. I had gotten all these gamer points too and was about to quit until the game froze on me and lost all my stats. After that the game kept having frequent malfunctions and really dissapointed me.

The graphics are gorgeous in my opinion, minus the jerseys not getting dirty. Graphics don't really make a game though and thats where gameplay comes through. The gameplay for the most part was good except when it came to superstar mode. At first i was dissapointed on how you never got to do much extra events like in the last ones but thought gameplay should be good enough that i would forget. As soon as i saw the SS mode camera for my HB i was dissapointed. It may seem smart at first to do it but the camera gets so bad at some points, that i didn't know where my guy was going. YOu also never got to choose the plays, and in my first game i got to rush about 3 plays for only 23 yards. This game is really dissapointing in other ways, but i have to go and return mine now.