Madden 07 is alot like madden 06 but with more bells and whistles.

User Rating: 8 | Madden NFL 07 X360
Madden NFL 07 is a very good game of Football or as those englishman call it, ballfoot. The main focus of Madden 07 was implimented on the blocking aspect of Football, using this you can now block for the runner. It doesn't sound all that fun on paper but it is fairy enjoyable. EA Tiburon also focused on the funning game, you now have whats called a "highlight stick", to use this you press up on the right thumbstick, now with larger backs like jamal lewis you will still be using the truck stick to plow down defenders but the highlight stick is for more of the elusive backs.

Madden 06 on the 360 sure looked great and Madden 07 looks even better, the stadiums are huge the uniforms are very detailed and most of the faces are spot on. There are also alot of new tackle animations that look nice as well, I did notice that sometimes when a defender is going for a hit they will kind of just run into the guy causing both of them to just go flying which looks a bit off.

The soundtrack in Madden NFL 07 is actually not bad, you have your usuall emo and punk and all that crap, but some of the hip-hop and rock is pretty good and the NFL Films music always rocks, the announcer in the game is the same Ea radio announcer that was in the game last year for the 360 and I find him alot better then John Madden and Al Micheals.

The game is a much better value then 06 was, you have your superstar mode which is actually pretty fun this year, your franchice mode is still pretty bare boned but its still pretty good, you also have this all new madden gamer level which tracks your progress, im a level 11 because I accidentially deleted my profile 3 times on 3 seperate ocations, It's a really good value this year.

The game has always been very entertaining, the online play this year I found to be pretty lagy but wasn't completley unplaiable, I found that I had alot more fun this year with the game then I did last year.

Overall if your jonsin for a football game this year then look no furthur then Madden NFL 07. It has alot more to offer you then 06 did and any Football fan has to check it out.