Well.... it has its moments but they are few and far between
User Rating: 5.5 | Madden NFL 07 X360
To tell you the truth this is the first madden game that I have owned since Madden 2004 which I consider to be the greatest of all the madden games, and it is the first football game I have bought since NFL 2k5 which I consider the greatest of all football games. I like EA Sports, I think they are a very good gaming company but with that said they just don't get it. Madden could have been great but it isn't, it is a step forward from Madden 06 for the 360 but that wasn't hard. This game would be so much better if there was owner mode, if there was an easier way to create players than to have your madden gamer level be a certain level. I don't care about all of that I care about playing the game and having it be fun. But when I play this game it just feels incomplete and like they could have done more. It is a fun game to play with a group of people but Im not reviewing this on that basis, I'm reviewing it on its solo aspects, and in that area, they have some work to do. I wish EA didn't have the NFL exclusive license because with competition is the only way to true greatness and it would keep EA from pushing out incomplete games.