looks like they put up a better effort but still missed on some parts...

User Rating: 8.3 | Madden NFL 07 X360
i have been off the EA bandwagon for 6 years with one year going without a football game just because i was pissed at EA for taking it away from the best football devs ever. anyway i heard good things about this game and in the end it actually holds a candle to 2k5 (i will always prefer 2k5 gameplay but i needed an graphics upgrade and yeah new rosters.... ) so yeah first graphics, great amazing, but there is a few things the devs either rushed on or just thought it wasnt worth it. its pretty bad when something as simple as the field goal net going up and down or actually being there in many if not all football games isnt in this one... hmmm even worse no refs during the gameplay running oround the field????? cmon i knew EA do half-@$$ work but that is just plain lazy... animations and surprisningly physics are pretty solid, best hit detection in a football game. gameplay standard madden affair im affraid to say. well for me its bad, for others great, i cant believe how different madden is to 2k5, its harder to do hot routes audibles everything but i got use to it eventually. and once i did it was pretty fun, the lead blocker you can go without and the menus can get confusing. but once you figure it out and learn the game its fun. sound- the radio guy whoever he is is 10x better than madden he is so alive and its so refreshing hearing someone excited when a touchdown is socred or a big play is done this guy is so much better, i mean he has so much more life compared to madden when he says he turns jukes.. another JUKE... OMG HE CAN GO ALLL THEEE WAYYY TOUCHDOWN AMAZING!!!!!, now madden is- he juked... another juke... i need more money to say juke again... the 20---- 10---- 5---- goodie touchdown.... so yeah sound is much better in 360 version. value, good MP online and off you cant really go wrong there in a football game.