A few changes but no real deviation from the norm or next gen graphics
User Rating: 8.2 | Madden NFL 07 PC
Well, if you've played the last few editions of Madden, be prepared for a whole new world of.....more of the same =P Outside of superstar mode and slightly more intuitive controls (love the break tackles and their animations), there aren't any gameplay or graphical improvements in the game, to speak of. Lack of next gen graphics seem like a cheap attempt to reach the low-end pc audience, while neglecting those of us who have decent computers. The game can be maxed out on 1280x1024 with an x800 video card, with 50+ fps. It looks decent, but the lack of next-gen is pretty disappointing. The fields do look quite nice, but they don't degrade like the next-gen versions. The 40 dollar price tag helps, too, and on the whole, if you don't already own madden 06 for the PC, you can expect a somewhat new and mostly enjoyable experience.