It could be better!

User Rating: 7.7 | Madden NFL 07 X360
This game has not came a long way at all from 06'. They forgot to add in Fantasy Draft, my friends and I always used that for fun! This is going to be a total addition if they decide to add this in 08'. But the graphics have improved, and also the game play has improved. This "Next-Gen" stuff has some issues, but thats always going to happen when a new form of game comes out for a long lasting series of a game!

The Superstar mode needs to go. I do like how you can select the players DNA and go through interviews and do IQ tests, so thats pretty neat. But, the way the camera angle is a pain the arse! Also, the way you can select plays! If you are RB and they throw a dump pass to you, good luck on trying to catch the ball.