Very much inproved but still has room for improvement.
Now the good stuff about Madden 08. The graphics are the best yet, the stadiums are pretty much accurate, and the gameplay is awesome. The one thing that I really like is the halftime highlights. If anything is a big improvement it is that. You can select top plays of the first half and watch them again as many times as you want. The thing about Madden is if you have played 06, then you have played 08. Unfortunatly that is the feeling I get. There are such minor changes between games that by the time we get actual real announcers, it could be ten or more years yet. Madden overall, is not a bad game. You have to like it because its the only game out there. The frustrating part is how the little stuff is not in the game and how little the game had changed overtime. Its a great football, of you just want football, but if you want it becasue of football and presentation dont be fooled by Faulks presentation because you'll end us skipping it everytime. I gave madden an 8.3 becasue we need to see some important changes in next years game. The good side is were now starting to see them make changes, so next years should be great.