Even with the 30 fps, this is the best Madden for the Playstation yet...

User Rating: 9 | Madden NFL 08 PS3
Of course with that said, I can not say it's the 'best' for any platform. However the 30 fps isn't bad at all. I don't own an 360, and was a little upset in the beginning. However, after playing it for many hours...it's not very noticeable. I haven't played it online, so I wont touch that area.

First I will start with the bad with Madded 08:

There is a big time problem with the fumbles. The settings for playing in the rain is very forgiving in this aspect. When the ball becomes wet, it comes loose often. But why with the no rain games? How did the EA QA team missed this? This issue is in the NCAA 08 game as well which makes it even more odd. Sure there are bigger hits this time around, but fumbles are too excessive.
The stadiums and crowd could use better work for the future. This is forgiving due to the fact Madden for the next gen is still being explored.
During rain games, the field may look muddy...but the players still look clean. To capture a 'true' like football game, the players should reflect how the field looks.
No on field referees. Why can't EA use ESPN for presentation?????????????

No I will focus on the good:

The graphics and player animations are awsome! Tackles seem to be very life like. The weapon feature makes it feel more realistic. Brings more stradegy when spotlighing a player. The AI is pretty smart for the most part playing offline. The controlling is much better now when near the sidelines, the use have more controll staying in bounce.

Even with the 30 fps, this game flows very well! If you only own a PS3 and want a great football experiance, diffently give this a try! The only issue is fumbles. Who knows, maybe EA sports will fix this problem this year with a patch??? I am sure they are well aware that this is probably the worst 'problem' playing offline. How hard is it to re-code the game with less fumbles????