i always get angry when i play it.
A) ddin't get a first down but short.
B) made the first down
C) gained a tremendous amount of yards
D) got a touchdown
when my team was correctly doing the play the wise john madden told us to do.
other times he tells me tpo do something like the "zone blitz". well, i scroll through the playbook and find NOTHING even related to the zone blitz.! now madden is a pretty cool guy but i hate him passionately in this game when he says a play that doeasn't work or isn't even in the playbook!
well, after many frustrating times in pro and above i decide to go to rookie to win a few games. it's pretty cool but after a while you get tired of winnig and try to find challenge in the game so I'm under a double edged sword choosing the diffuculty.
nevertheless with all my ranting, the game is pretty fun and has some neat extras. like the franchise which is pretty tight and the create a team (mine is the los angeles pythons) where you get to choose star palyers from the nFL to be your team. also, the create-a-player option where you get to pick his name,team,number,skin tone, body weight wetc. etc.but what i think is very cool about madden 08 is choosing choosing the temparatuyre, the time the game begins, if the weather is manual or november, how cloudy it is, if you rain or not (NOTE: you can only get rain if you have an overcast of cluds) and how much wind the game has. even thoguh it can be frustrating the gmae is still good and grows on you.