i haven't played madden in 3 years for good reason heck they still owe me from 06 on the 360, there are improvements but
User Rating: 7.5 | Madden NFL 09 X360
they try to fix the gameplay and it is better but still int are just to easy u throw a bullet pass or it floats no in between the presentation is still behind what 2k5 did and why buy all the nfl, espn rights and not use them? i like the game but i will be critical of them because realness is still an issue with them i like having to break tackles not have them preditermened by the ai it took them 3 years just to put nets behind fg, still no refs( must be an addition for next year) 2k took 3 years off and still put those things in so i give it an 8 but being the only game around they should do more to earn the 64 bucks it costs. you still can't run traps which are designed to beat a blitz and you figure they would know this also tunning draws is for blitzing people but that also is sketchy so though there were some improvements there is still basic football that has to be addressed and i would take that over graphics any day