Not really that good..
Every year EA brags about how they improved the AI when in fact it is worse then it was on PS2. You still can't run the ball effectively on the harder difficulty and if you play Rookie or Pro there is no competition. What fun is it to have you RB carry the ball 22 times for 28 yards against the computer. Sure you can win on the harder difficulties if you throw the whole game. The challenge play is completely broken. I saw guys catch the ball 5 yards out of bounce and would loose the challenge. Collision detection issues arise as i dive right through the QB. The AI adapts to you is a complete joke and just proves the fact that the AI hasn't changed in years. You'll have the computer Passing and Running climb up to All Madden and you'll be barely at Pro with the running game and All Pro to All Madden with the passing.
Franchise mode ends up being so unrealistic for your user controlled teams in just about every stat category. The trade menus are so cumbersome with extra unneeded steps added. In fact all the menus are like this! Glitches and Freeze ups ruin it more. At one point in the game I punted to the computer and it turns around and punts the ball right back to me on first down.
There is no option to configure your controller settings so us Madden Veterans are now forced to use R2 instead of X for speed. This is inexcusable!
Chris Collinsworth sometimes has some fantastic insight but it gets repetitive fast. There is often speech over speech if you use Madden tips in the play calling screen where the play by play is still talking and Madden gives you his opinion on the play calling screen at the same time.
Pretty HD can't save the fact that player animation is laughable and a complete Joke.
Online Play
Playing online is pretty good but plan to have your opponent quit on you if you are winning. I played 5 games one night and 3 quit on me because they were losing.
EA is just milking the license for all it's worth with yearly roster updates and a few fancy changes to the presentation. If you have to have it wait for it to go clearance. Definitely not worth $59.99