it is the best madden since they have owned the rights but, this could have been done in 06, they are still behind

User Rating: 7.5 | Madden NFL 10 PS3
madden is better than previous ones in this generation. the display, atmosphere is in the game, even refs. Online leagues are ok but franchise is the best addition to date. The problems with the game is that there are too many instances where amazing things happen (not in a good way). O- linemen are clueless, still leaving defensive linemen to block secondary guys, running in side is better but there is no way a qb can run over a dt at 300lbs. passing game is greatly improved but the (speed burst) is still present. trying to run a trap is still impossible against a blitz. this game should have been done in 06 and it would be a great building block but this is the 6th year of exclustivity, so thatt's why the score of 8. ea has all the resources and they don't use tack does not work, oonce the ai sees who they want to make the tackle, all the other guys just fall to the ground! they need a new engine that will allow for multi tackle contact. respect that a qb will not run over and drag a dt ever. they need to get nfl players invoved in the developement so they can tell them what happens in the game and what wouldn't. you want to win a game of football on strategy, setting up plays, not on who can game the animations better. atleast this year, it looked like they tried unlike the past 5.presentation is better but a long way from 2k5.