I like this madden. Is it perfect? No its not. Sports games these days are a mixed bag for the most part. Some games get high reviews and arent really deserving. This is a quality game from EA which is a rare thing these days. The graphics are improved. It has a good arcade and simulation feel to it. The difficulty levels are fairly realistic. Plenty of modes and online play. EA did enough things right with this madden to actually make it a good game which its been a while since i've been able to say that. EA didn't go too overboard with the cartoony look that a lot of their other games have. The graphics look really good in this game. It also plays fairly realistically although there are still physics issues and a lot of thigns that just dont make a whole lot of sense. But it's as close as they've ever been. It does play a fun game of football between the lines and comes together as a nice package.
For me, my love/hate issue with Madden has been that it has never produced a game up the the quality presentation of the 2K5 game. I have always complained bitterly that they bought the NFL and ESPN licences and never us... Read Full Review
Every year im so sick of buying a 60 dollar roster update. Ive been playing Madden 08 for the last two years because it seems like the only new thing you get with every new madden game is a little bit better graphics, A... Read Full Review