The pre snap audible/hot route control change is annoying and the game has flaws but it grows on you and it's fun
Other beefs with this game, are online opponents can quit at any moment in the first half and no points or nothing is rewarded to the player who was winning at the time and no win or loss is rewarded to anyone,this is very frustrating because so much playing time is wasted ,against a computer opponent play action fake's are basically automatic sacks for the defense and worthless ,ball physics are unrealistic at times , the CPU AI is still not realistic .The old fashioned kicking meter replacing the stick control kicking bothers me but kicks being made or missed are realistic. Against the computer the Qb's throwing arm (with ball in hand) "consistently"goes through a on coming pass rusher's helmet which rarely affects the trajectory of the pass, that is really poor that none of the EA developers didn't notice that.If you ever wondered (while going for the sack) "how the Qb still got the pass off !" look at the replay closely and you will notice that the Qb's passing arm will magically go through the defender's helmet to complete a pass.I'm sorry that is a big "no no" in sports games for me ,"clipping " is unacceptable.
I personally prefer the Madden 10 control scheme.Changing some control elements about the game had me scratching my head .The overall game is good and fun to play after getting use to the little changes and making some adjustments but it is not a NFL football simulator.Defense is a challenge to play and offense is easy to play ,it needs more of a balance but i think i understand what EA was trying to achieve.Overall it's a good game and it grows on you.