Im not going to talk about presentation i could care less about music or commentary ( ohh yeah commentary not lining up with play is not a bug or a glitch just lazy game development and madden has ALWAYS had bad commentary too bad Madden isnt there to say boom he on his back) the only thing that matters to me is the football and this madden is awesome. THe tackles are bone crushing gang tacking really works momentum is much improved, and deep balls will be harder to hit. I hear people exaggerating how high linebackers jump they dont jump 12 feet check your replay if you throw the ball into cover 2 across the middle guess what your prolly going to get picked off watch a real game of football and see howmany passes a linebacker in zone coverage knocks down or has a chance to intercept. You prolly press the pass button down to long. if you have a reciever 10 yards behind the linebacker you can lob it to him albeit the pass will float more giving db a chance to run to it. This is the best madden to date alot of things people abused in previous madden are toned down or not there ( its way harder to rocket catch).
Blocking is much improved youll see linemen double down on a NT or END then one of them leave that block to get on a linebacker or db. PAssing is much improved in the sense that if your feet are not planted you are not accurate ( unless you have a good throw on the run rating even then roll to your strong side) if pressure is coming youll be less accurate. i like the player traits my friend was running around with VICK fumbled 2 times jsut like VICK would have and does do. My biggest grip is some QB's have bad deep ball rating which a PRO player should not have i mean i had dalton over throw a wide open TE by 10 yard putting no english ( leading him) on the ball hell i couldve thrown closer to him if you have a elite QB this doesnt matter .
Some people seem to think this MAdden shouldve been TOTALLY different . BUt that just isnt how madden ever worked but i will say people at EA have listened to the community about things and changed them still keeping madden intact if you are a madden fan no way you cant like this one it is the best on so far name a madden that is better from the past? or maybe you should rent 08 and see for yourself
I am a football fanatic, and Madden has long been my go to sports simulation franchise since forever. But the last few years have been sad, forget the lack of competition, how about the fact that it seems these guys are ... Read Full Review
I'm not going to take the time to compare this game to 2K5 and point out factors that really have nothing to do with the quality of the game; I'm simply going to lay everything on the table with no bias or personal motiv... Read Full Review