Okay, first I am a football junkie whether NFL Sunday ticket or PS4 and XBOX 1. Madden 15 is worth a trade in of your games you don't play as much.The graphics are better than Madden 25 by far; the game moves more fluid and when on defense you have more control of your linemen.The offense plays alot better also.I like how I can tell when the receiver is looking for the ball and if you throw the ball infront or behind him he will go for it.Have had some great catches so far.All in all as you know it could be much better especially with these systems but it's what we have for now.Give this game a few weeks and some updates and we will be happy with it.That is all we can do until the NFL gives another challenger a chance to give EA something to go up against.If you are like me just keep on trading your games in and don't give up on football on the systems.
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