Fix it

User Rating: 1 | Madden NFL 16 XONE

this is one of the biggest bullshit games ever its set up so you cant win they made it so you cant run for shit a lot of real talent is ruined a lot players in the NFL are made to look like shit for example the packers QB is a good deep thrower but now he cant even get the ball out of the pocket because the game is such shit why do i have to all this to make a play a complete bust why did EA turn such a great game into garbage i was so pumped to get this game and now honestly i want my money back i am super disappointed in this game should of took more time making the game instead of rushing to make a shity game i am sorry but a lot of games that are coming out are crap non of them are any good because all these game creators are so into the money why cant it be like old times and actually spend time making a good quality game