The voice overs fall flat almost immediately. It's a lot of repetitive/boring dialogue, The same junk we've heard a million times before, It's just not worth listening to. Same applies for this year's weak sound track.
Aside from the minor visual bugs, This game looks great. A step up from last year and without any of the issues.
Game play:
Your typical Madden game play. I've have no issues with it so if it ain't broke, Don't fix it.
Franchise/Superstar mode is pretty much exactly the same as the last two games, Very disappointing. Online play suffers from lag and connection issues. Draft Champions is a fun addition but would be cool if they added an off-line mode to it. Ultimate Team looks to get all the attention because it's a big cash cow for them, Which again is disappointing because it takes away from other aspects of the game that they could/should have fixed. Far too many tutorials.
Overall: 6/10
The addition of Draft Champions was nice but that's the only shining star in this year's game. All their attention went into Ultimate Team because it draws in a lot of extra money for EA. And because of that, The rest of the game suffers for it. All other modes are pretty much untouched. I honestly don't even know why I keep buying Madden, I think I am gonna skip out on next year's game unless they get massive improvements.
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