Madden 2005 for DS is nothing short of great. The controls feel good and with the extra X and Y buttons the passing game has more of a feel. Not a must buy, but if you like the series or like football you might want to at least rent this game. +Gameplay+ 9/10 Madden 2005 has it where it counts. You may complain about the graphics or the sound, but if you're not a picky-graphics-person you can enjoy this game a lot. There a few game modes such as Play Now where you can choose any team and play a quick game of solid football. Here are the other game modes--- 2 Player-Play a game of Madden 2005 wirelessly with a friend. Although each of you need a Madden 2005 DS gamecard. Season-Start and season with a selected team. Play through the whole season and if you're good enough, the playoffs. Try and capture that Superbowl dream. 2 minute drill- You have two minutes, can you score of defend your score? Remember the clock is ticking. Practice-Not living up to your team's rep? Practice in this game mode. Situation-How well do you work under pressure? Find out in this fun mode. Madden 2005 will keep you coming back for more. I played over 4 games of football on my first day I got this game. Other features include using the touch screen to call your plays, timeouts, and audibles. (Although you can still use the D-Pad to pick your plays.) During the play the bottom screen shows X's and O's so you can plan your defense, while the top screen shows the actual game. +Graphics+ 6/10 The graphics in Madden 2005 are just ok. All the players look the same and all of them are huge xD. Still, it's graphics are very good for a handheld game. It'd be better to see different characters instead of all identical. The graphics are a little pixelated, but you can pretty much see past the graphics and look at the great gameplay. +Sound+ 8/10 The sound in this game is pretty good. Apart from hearing the same crowd roar the same thing over and over. The commentary is kept to a bare minimum, which isn't really such a bad thing. I'd rather hear in game music though, instead of the roar of the crowd. While at the menus an assortment of real songs play. The songs are a mix of different stuff, which actually sounded pretty good. +Replay Value,Difficulty,Length+ Replay Value: The replay value is very high in Madden 2005, you'll want to play again and again if you're a big football fan. Difficulty: There are a few difficulty settings. Rookie, Pro, and All Madden. The Rookie difficulty level is actually kinda challenging until you get real used to all of the controls. Don't expect to be 16-0 in your first season. Length: As in replay value, the length is pretty much endless. You can a good 40 hours out of this game. Also very fun on long road trips.
Ever since the early 90's, a Madden game has appeared on pretty much every major console released. So it is to no surprise that the DS has gotten a copy. Let's see if it can stack up to it's next-generation counter-parts... Read Full Review
With the lack of sports games available at the launch of the nintendo DS,many hungry football fans have turned to Madden 2005, with mixed reviews. First off I'd just like to say that regardless of how rushed this game is... Read Full Review