Edgy, and stylized, but lacks substance. Visually appealing, yet the gore factor is overdone, gameplay not rewarding.

User Rating: 6.5 | MadWorld WII
I bought this game with the intent on supporting a mature Wii title. Sadly I'm left slightly disappointed. At first you may find enjoyment in slicing and ripping opponents apart, this however fades after the 500th execution. Plus this IS a wii title, so expect to waggle your way through the levels for hours killing the same re-spawned enemies over and over and over. If this is your thing go for it. Its great they tried to make it more fun by increasing the points based on how gruesome your kill is, but really this gets monotonous and boring. I mean, its nice that I can impail an enemy with a sign, then throw a trash can over him, and whip him into a spiky wall, but what purpose does this really serve aside from points? About 5 hours into the game I simply got bored. Enemies endlessly spawn, and its the same kills over and over. I think its great to see a title like this on the Wii, but the focus needs to be one game-play over style and gore.

But it really falls short in some key areas. I say rent it. If you really are hooked than maybe go out and purchase it.